Artificial Nests
Ethan Sullivan
| 06-06-2024

· Information Team
Birds are the spirits of nature. However, with the accelerating urbanization, suitable nesting sites for birds such as dead trees and old-style houses are becoming increasingly scarce.
The survival of wild birds is facing significant challenges. In addition to protecting the environment and advocating for bird conservation, we can also help birds by providing artificial bird nests. With free housing available, birds can allocate more energy to nesting and caring for their young.
According to records from abroad, dozens of small birds once huddled together for warmth in a single artificial bird box. Furthermore, providing a fixed watering and feeding area alongside nesting boxes would further benefit bird reproduction.
A bird expert told reporters that in areas like Zijin Mountain, the scale of afforestation is increasing, especially with the replacement of old trees with new ones. However, birds prefer nesting in dead trees, and suitable trees for them to "settle down" are becoming increasingly scarce. At this time, constructing artificial bird nests is very "considerate" for them.
Artificial nest boxes are the best method for attracting birds, and they come in various types including bamboo, ceramic bowl, bundled, and wooden boxes. Artificial bird nests are mainly used to attract sparrows, finches, starlings, woodpeckers, owls, and mynas. As swallows make their nests, people should provide them with the basic conditions for nest materials, such as mud, water, and wooden boards under eaves for support, allowing them to nest and lay eggs.
These nests include the nest body, rainproof cover, and mounting bracket. The front of the nest body has a nest cavity entrance, with a slip-proof ladder directly below the nest cavity entrance on the inside, and a rainproof cover at the top of the nest body, with a mounting bracket fixed on the outer wall opposite the nest cavity.
Waterproofing is crucial for artificial bird nests.
How should bird nests be made to meet their needs? Experts say that due to differences in bird sizes and habits, different nest boxes are needed. It's unnecessary to strictly adhere to a specific shape, but only nest boxes made to certain standards are considered good.
Firstly, the nest box must be waterproof and not deform significantly when it rains. Additionally, the bottom of the box must have drainage holes to promptly drain water if it enters the nest cavity. Secondly, the nest box must ensure the safety of birds by preventing predators from entering and exiting the nest cavity at will. For common passerines, it's preferable to use a nest box with a small circular hole at the front.
Furthermore, various materials can be used to create bird nests, with wood being the preferred choice. Experts specifically advise that artificial materials like plywood are only suitable for indoor use or locations with rain protection. If these nest boxes can be waterproofed, such as by painting them or covering the box top with a waterproof material, it would significantly extend their lifespan.
Sunlight should be avoided at the entrance.
After making the nest box, the hanging location is crucial. Whether hanging the nest box on a tree or a wall, it must be at a height above where curious children or animals like cats can reach. When hanging the nest box, the nest cavity entrance should face east or south to avoid direct sunlight.
Additionally, tilt the box forward to minimize rainwater ingress. The box or hanging point must have some defense capability against small animals that prey on birds or eggs. For example, the nest can be hung among thorns, and obstacles can be placed at the entrance of the box, provided they don't obstruct the direct aerial pathway for birds to enter the nest.
Whether to nail or tie the bird nest is optional, but if annual cleaning and maintenance are desired, tying with rope is preferred for easy disassembly. It's essential to add a protective layer if using ropes to prevent them from embedding into the tree trunk.
Also, while some birds like swallows prefer nesting in colonies, most birds need their territory, so nest boxes should not be hung too close together. Nest boxes for different bird species can be hung closer, while those for the same species should be spaced farther apart.