5G Landscape

· Information Team
In the realm of backhaul technologies, operators have traditionally relied on two primary options: wireless and fiber optic backhaul.
Each holds its appeal, with global statistics often favoring wireless backhaul, predominantly opting for fiber optic solutions except in rare emergencies
This preference can be attributed to the inherent reliability of fiber optic backhaul, coupled with its relatively low cost. However, the extensive deployment of communication fiber optics entails significant expenses in terms of labor and land use, highlighting China's advantage in public land ownership.
Nevertheless, the advent of the 5G era brings forth new challenges, particularly the demand for high-density networks, rendering the cost of an all-fiber optic network prohibitive for many operators.
Recently, Mr. Ren proposed a hybrid approach that combines 5G and microwave technology, envisaging a future where microwave backhaul complements fiber optic infrastructure. But what exactly does microwave backhaul equipment entail?
Traditional microwave backhaul operates within the 6-42GHz band, offering average capacities ranging from 50Mbps to 500Mbps. However, with the advent of 5G, demands skyrocketed, necessitating capacities as high as 10-20G.
Enter E-band microwave technology. E-band, with frequencies hovering around 80GHz, boasts a bandwidth allocation spanning 71-76GHz and 81-86GHz, offering a total usable bandwidth of up to 10GHz. This is a significant upgrade compared to traditional 3.5-112M channel bandwidths.
Leveraging high-order modulation, multi-band aggregation, and MIMO technology, E-band microwave backhaul can deliver staggering capacities exceeding 20Gbps, catering effectively to the demands of the 5G era.
Looking ahead, microwave communication technology is poised for further expansion, with a shift towards W-band (92-115GHz) and D-band (130-175GHz). These higher frequency bands hold the promise of realizing even greater capacities, potentially reaching 100Gbps or more, to meet the burgeoning demands of future networks.
On the wireless front, another promising avenue lies in integrating the radio access network with backhaul, a concept currently under consideration within the 3GPP R16 framework. This integration leverages the characteristics of Massive MIMO multi-beam technology, allowing for wireless access and backhaul consolidation.
The result is a more flexible, simplified, and cost-effective deployment of base stations, as each micro-station can utilize wireless "self-backhaul" capabilities.
Furthermore, recent developments have seen some operators exploring the use of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites for 5G backhaul solutions, marking a paradigm shift in the approach to backhaul technology.
This innovative approach holds promise for providing backhaul connectivity in remote or challenging terrains, offering a potential solution for bridging connectivity gaps in underserved regions.
In essence, the landscape of backhaul technologies is undergoing rapid transformation to meet the evolving demands of the 5G era. From the integration of microwave and fiber optic solutions to advancements in wireless access and satellite-based backhaul, operators are exploring diverse avenues to ensure robust, high-capacity, and cost-effective connectivity for the future.
Moreover, the synergy between microwave and fiber optic backhaul solutions presents a compelling strategy for operators seeking to balance reliability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in their network deployments.
By strategically deploying microwave backhaul in conjunction with existing fiber optic infrastructure, operators can augment capacity where needed, particularly in areas where laying fiber optic cables may be challenging or cost-prohibitive.
This hybrid approach allows operators to optimize their network architecture, ensuring seamless connectivity and meeting the diverse requirements of modern telecommunications infrastructure.