Mango Cutting
Ravish Kumar
| 02-02-2024

· Food Team
Mango is a widely enjoyed tropical fruit known for its rich aroma and delightful sweet and sour flavor. There are various ways to eat mangoes—some people prefer peeling them directly, while others cut them into small, easily manageable pieces.
Regardless of the method, handling a mango is a clean affair, with minimal juice wastage and no sticky residue left on your hands.
When bringing home a fresh mango, the tight combination of pulp and skin can pose a challenge if not approached correctly. Attempting to slice it directly often results in significant pulp wastage and a messy juice situation.
Although the market offers various mango types, they can generally be categorized by size into large, medium, and small mangoes.
Larger mangoes can be used for cake decoration or fruit platters, and the following cutting method is an easy and clean way to handle larger mangoes.
1. Cross Cut
Start by rinsing the mango with water. Cut along the center of the mango, feeling the core as you cut close to it. Take one half of the mango with the seed; then, cut down near the seed once more to easily remove it.
Proceed to cut the flesh diagonally and vertically, ensuring not cut through the skin. After cutting, turn the mango over to reveal the golden flesh, ready to be enjoyed on its own or mixed with yogurt.
2. Mango Strips
To enjoy mango in a fun and easy way, similar to how you might eat a slice of watermelon, start by thoroughly rinsing the mango under water. Next, proceed to cut the mango into long, narrow strips. This can be done by making several lengthwise cuts along the mango, ensuring they are parallel to each other.
Be mindful when you reach the center of the mango. Here, you should make a careful incision, keeping it as close to the mango's core as possible. This technique helps in avoiding the hard, inedible part of the mango.
Once you've made these cuts, you can then invert the mango strips onto a plate. This presentation not only makes the mango strips look appetizing but also turns them into a convenient, watermelon-style snack. It's a unique and mess-free way to enjoy the delicious and juicy mango.
3. Cutting at the Middle
Rinse the mango and cut. Hold the left and right sides of the mango with both hands, rotating one side clockwise and the other counterclockwise.
Repeat this process a few times to separate the mango core from the flesh. While the resulting shape may not be the most aesthetically pleasing, this method is convenient for solo consumption.
4. Digging with a Spoon
This super-convenient method involves cutting the mango in half and using a spoon to separate the flesh from the skin. Fit the spoon along the skin and dig down to separate the mango flesh. Once separated, the mango is ready to be enjoyed hassle-free.
By employing these simple and easily understandable techniques, you can savor the deliciousness of mangoes without any unnecessary mess or waste.