Aquatic Harmony
Mason O'Donnell
| 29-05-2024

· Information Team
The demand for a more prosperous spiritual life has increased with the continuous improvement of social living standards.
In response to this growing need, traditional leisure activities like fish farming have gained popularity among the masses.
Notably, the emergence of ecological aquariums has brought a renewed sense of vitality and significance to fish farming.
In contemporary settings, many individuals adorn their desks with transparent fish tanks housing one or two aesthetically pleasing ornamental fish. This has evolved into a delightful method for individuals to unwind and uplift their spirits after a day of work.
In contrast to conventional fish farming, ecological aquariums have garnered widespread acceptance, contributing a distinctive touch to leisure and relaxation.
Understanding the Ecological Aquarium
An ecological aquarium is a system that, with the assistance of artificial equipment, can achieve a comprehensive environmental cycle. The primary components of this system include the ammonia and nitrification systems.
Fish tanks come in various forms, ranging from small round containers with one or two goldfish to seafood ponds found in supermarkets. However, not all these tanks possess the essential ammonia and nitrification systems for sustaining a vivarium.
Ammonia System
Within a vivarium, the ammoniation process marks the cycle's initial phase. The waste generated by the metabolic activities of ornamental fish, pollution resulting from the decay of aquatic plants, and the remnants of feed after feeding collectively contribute to organic waste in the water.
These organic residues undergo decomposition by epiphytic bacteria, producing ammonia—an extremely toxic substance for aquatic organisms. Hence, the subsequent nitrification process becomes imperative.
Nitrification System
Nitrification is pivotal in converting toxic ammonia into non-toxic nitrates within the ecological tank. This transformation is facilitated by the collaborative actions of nitrite and nitrate bacteria, providing essential nutrients for the aquatic plants in the water.
While the natural ecological cycle involves denitrification, achieving this process in confined environments like ecological tanks is challenging. Typically, excess nitrates in the water are addressed through regular water changes.
Common Types of Ecological Aquariums
1. Ornamental Fish Tank
An ornamental fish tank transcends the simplicity of merely housing a few fish. These tanks provide more than just illumination and are equipped with essential supporting features like lights and filtration systems.
The lighting system also enhances the color development of certain ornamental fish, such as Arowana. The filtration system is a critical element in nitrification, creating a conducive environment for nitrifying bacteria to thrive.
2. Aquatic Plant Ecological Tank
Centered around the cultivation of aquatic plants, the aquatic plant ecological tank can be perceived as an underwater horticultural endeavor. Beyond ensuring the growth of aquatic plants, considerable attention is devoted to landscaping.
While the ecological cycle aligns more with nature than ornamental fish tanks, regular water changes are necessary to eliminate excess nitrates.
3. Original Style Cylinder
Emulating domestic watersheds or underwater landscapes, original-style tanks like stream and South American-style tanks recreate natural environments and establish ecosystems, providing individuals with an immersive experience.
4. Seawater Biotank
Simulating the marine environment, seawater ecological tanks demand specialized ecological maintenance equipment, such as the Berlin system. In addition to ammonification and nitrification, marine tanks also undergo denitrification, a process facilitated by denitrifying bacteria.
5. Micro Landscape Aquarium Bottle
Due to their compact size, micro-landscape aquariums typically feature only a single lamp to provide illumination, operating independently of other equipment.
While it may be challenging to establish a complete ecological cycle, these aquariums can still serve as exquisite landscapes by mimicking natural environments.
The ascendancy of ecological aquariums offers individuals a leisurely and entertaining pursuit and elevates fish farming to a more scientific and captivating level.
By replicating natural ecosystems, ecological aquariums enhance the aesthetics of home environments and nurture a deeper understanding of environmental balance, infusing a rejuvenating essence into spiritual life.
Amid a bustling lifestyle, an ecological aquarium could be the optimal way to alleviate stress and restore emotional equilibrium.