Potential Harm
Pardeep Singh
| 08-10-2023

· Food Team
Cherries are a delicious summer fruit, bright red and mouth-watering. However, this little fruit hides a potential danger: cherry pits.
Although cherry pits may appear insignificant, they can cause serious harm to the human body and may even be fatal if ingested.
1. Structure of cherry pit
First, let’s understand the structure of a cherry pit. Cherry pits are the hard seeds inside the cherry fruit. They are usually oval or round in shape and vary in size depending on the cherry variety.
Cherry pits may look smooth on the outside, but they are actually covered in a hard shell. Underneath the shell is a toxic compound called glycine cyanate.
2. Dangers of accidentally eating cherry pits
When people accidentally eat cherry pits, they are often exposed to toxic substances inside the pits by inadvertently chewing or biting the shell. This toxic substance, glycine cyanate, is metabolized in the body into cyanide, a powerful toxic substance.
Cyanide interferes with oxygen delivery within cells and can cause the following serious health problems:
2.1 Symptoms of poisoning
After accidentally ingesting cherry pits, symptoms of poisoning may appear within minutes to hours. These symptoms include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. The severity of poisoning symptoms depends on the amount of glycine cyanate ingested.
2.2 Damage to the respiratory system
Cyanide poisoning can cause serious damage to the respiratory system. Cyanide interferes with oxygen delivery in the body, causing shortness of breath, a feeling of suffocation, and even respiratory arrest.
2.3 Heart problems
Cyanide poisoning may also have adverse effects on the heart, causing a fast or irregular heartbeat, and may even trigger cardiac arrest.
2.4 Damage to the nervous system
Cyanide poisoning can also negatively affect the nervous system, causing dizziness, vertigo, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.
3. Measures to deal with accidental ingestion of cherry pits
If you accidentally ingest a cherry pit, take immediate action to mitigate the risk. Here are some countermeasures:
3.1 Seek emergency medical help
When symptoms of poisoning occur, call the emergency hotline or go to the nearest hospital immediately. Glycine cyanate poisoning is an emergency situation that requires professional medical attention.
3.2 Do not induce vomiting
Do not try to induce vomiting to remove the cherry pit as this may make the situation worse. Professional doctors will take necessary measures where appropriate.
3.3 Treatment methods
Doctors may prescribe treatments to relieve symptoms of poisoning, including intravenous fluids to remove toxic substances, oxygen therapy to increase oxygen supply, and other supportive care.
4. Methods to prevent accidental eating of cherry pits
The best way is to prevent accidental ingestion of cherry pits. Here are some precautions:
4.1 Peel the cherry pits
When enjoying cherries, it's best to remove the pits to avoid accidentally chewing or swallowing the shell.
4.2 Supervision of children
For young children, special care should be taken to ensure that they do not accidentally eat cherry pits.
4.3 Educate the public
Educate the public about the potential dangers of cherry pits to increase awareness.
Cherry pits may seem harmless, but they are actually potentially dangerous, especially because they contain toxic glycine cyanate. Ingestion of cherry pits can cause severe symptoms of poisoning and may even be fatal.
Therefore, we should take precautionary measures, including denuding and educating the public, to ensure our health and safety.
If you accidentally ingest a cherry pit, seeking immediate medical help is the most important step to respond to poisoning and minimize the risk. After all, health is the most valuable asset and we should cherish it and take steps to protect it.